Small home. Big hearts. | The story of the Norcross family
Every thing about my time with the Norcross family seemed like a dream. The clock ticked slower. The giggles lasted longer. The TV stayed off.
Their life is happy and simple. And I was there to photograph a typical, relaxed morning for them.
Dad had the day off and made Julia Child’s scrambled eggs for breakfast with the children helping and interrupting occasionally.
The children played and butted heads but each scenario was handled with perfect patience from both parents. They were so attentive and I was taking mental notes on their parenting style and tricks.
Breakfast was devoured as everyone sat around the table together. Everything this family did, they did together. It was a family affair. The children were asked probing questions and were part of the meal time discussion.
After clean up, everyone got dressed and ready for the day and then played in the front room together. Dad played a beautiful piece he composed on the piano while the children played with blocks and worked with Mom on their shapes and numbers. I could’ve stayed there forever.
Their small home was full of love and learning; it was bursting at the seams.
Enjoy more highlights in this slideshow below.