A summer afternoon with the Healeys — Jolyn Laney | Laney Photography
A different kind of family photographer

Laney Photography Blog

This blog features photo stories, tips and tricks on photographing your own family, and my thoughts and feelings.

A summer afternoon with the Healeys


Summer has officially hit for the Healey family now that their oldest has graduated from Kindergarten. They invited me over for a Slice of Life session to commemorate this time in their kids' young lives. Slice of Life sessions are only for excursions outside of the home, unless the family has already had an in-home session within the year. If that's the case, then I'm happy to come over for as many 1 hour sessions to capture the big and little stuff year round.


I loved seeing how they celebrated their daughter and made her feel really special. 

And we just spent the time hanging out together. I love this family and love how they play and laugh and love.

These photos of their sweet and silly young kids will be precious now, and even more precious to those kids when they are grown and looking back on their rich and happy childhood.

Wanna see their other in-home session? Click here!

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